
Thoughts for 2024

I know that I struggle with periods of alternating very high and low motivation. I plan to be ‘a bit kinder to myself’ and ’live at my own pace’, which both sound like cliches. I’m not making resolutions per se, just general themes of stuff I want to achieve:

1. Write more blog posts

It’s fun! Even if no one reads them, I find it quite cathartic to have a scratchpad for my thoughts. Expect also some entries in German, since I haven’t got any writing practice since I left university.

2. Spend money

I’ve always felt guilty about spending money. I have enough now to eat out at restaurants, buy some second-hand clothes, treat my friends, while being able to save for long-term goals. I’m also going to be investing in my hobbies, namely triathlon and hiking - so I will book hotels for races and train tickets without concern. I’ve always been worried that I’m going to need the money for something else. This year, I know I won’t.

3. Conquer addiction

Binned off Instagram, restricted it to desktop use only (the web app is surprisingly good) - I only use my PC about once a week. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how much my brain doesn’t miss it. Stopped scrolling on Reddit once I realised all I was seeking was people who agreed with me (about football, video games, or the city in which I live). I’m planning to replace the time with… nothing!

4. Eat better

Currently I’m underweight. I have been my entire life. By better, it mostly means ‘more’, so that I keep my energy up during the workday (I have to nap quite often). With the amount of sport I do, it’s only fair. Maybe I’ll go back to calorie tracking, maybe not, it got quite tiring.