
Importance of Documentation

Note to self here, if you’re trying to maintain a blog, make sure you leave instructions to yourself about how to post new content, and make them easily accessible!

Step 0: Create a new blog post

Use the command hugo new posts/title-of-blog-post.md to create a new file to write in. This will create a new file at $BLOG_ROOT/content/posts/title-of-blog-post.md. In the file will be a title neatly auto-capitalised based on your filename, a timestamp, and a draft: true attribute.

Step 1: Write the post

Use Markdown, remembering that for a newline you need to hit Return twice.

Step 2: Change the draft attribute to false

Hugo will not publish any content in drafts, unless you use the --buildDrafts flag, but then you have to remember to include that every time.

Step 3: Run the magical building command

Run hugo in the $BLOG_ROOT directory and all shall be resolved, with the content in the directory as set by the publishDir=../public_html attribute in config.toml.

Step 4: Bask in the glory of your new blog post

And just double check everything appears as you wish it to.

Step 5: Oops you need to grant permissions on the new file

Thank you Unix permissions very cool. Grant read permissions to the new index.html file created in public_html and maybe one day write a script to do this automatically.

Step 6: Well that wasn’t complicated at all

Life update: started new job. Going well. Can officially say “opinions are my own and do not represent those of my employer”. Going on a nice hike in the Peak District tomorrow.